Is Addiction a Disease?

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Research Links Red Meat Intake, Gut Microbiome, and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults

No such generally accepted taxonomy yet exists, apart from Marlatt’s well-known theory regarding relapse [57]. Evidently, a classification concerning the capacities of addicts, such as impulsivity, may be highly useful in certain fields dealing with addicts. Criminal justice systems, for example, may benefit from such a distinction, which may aid the correct legal approach of addicted offenders. Evidence that a capacity for choosing advantageously is preserved in addiction provides a valid argument against a narrow concept of “compulsivity” as rigid, immutable behavior that applies to all patients. It does not, however, provide an argument against addiction as a brain disease. If not from the brain, from where do the healthy and unhealthy choices people make originate?

However, saying that there is choice involved in addiction by no means implies that addicts are just weak people, nor does it imply that overcoming addiction is easy. It is incredibly hard, and for some people, practically impossible to undo years of habit. Although these studies were met with resistance, lately there is more evidence to support their findings.

Providing the Highest-Quality of Addiction Treatment

Adi Jaffe, Ph.D., is a lecturer at UCLA and the CEO of IGNTD, an online company that produces podcasts and educational programs on mental health and addiction. You may have noticed something missing from that discussion, namely judgment. I don’t wonder why my clients behave the way they do any more than I wonder why they cross the street while looking to the left. In the end it comes down to training, and if we want to end up with a different set of behaviors, we have to understand the mechanisms and processes that got us there and make a change. The journey toward addiction recovery takes worthwhile dedication and hard work, and juggling physical and mental well-being can become challenging….

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